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+ Add eBay Account
Nizar Noorani avatar
Written by Nizar Noorani
Updated over a week ago

While initially signing up , we ask you to login to either your Amazon account or your eBay account.

Select your marketplace region and then click on the Next button

You'll now be brought to the page where you'll have to login to your eBay account and allow SellerChamp permissions to have access to your eBay marketplace.

Once you've signed in to eBay, you'll be brought to the page where you'll be required to fill the eBay account details exactly how it is within your eBay account.

Let us take a look at these individually:

Account Name: Enter the name you'd like to assign your eBay account within SellerChamp.

PayPal Email: Enter the email address associated with your PayPal.

Shipping Zipcode: Enter the zipcode from where the you'll be shipping the items from.

Sales Tax Percentage: Sales tax percentage that will be charged to a buyer within your state. Use Sales Tax Table: Check this box if you have a sales tax table already configured on eBay.

Primary Ship-from Address: This address must match your ship-from address on your eBay Store. The Primary Ship From Address is the address from where you'd be shipping your items OR the address that'll appear on the shipping label.

Handling Time (in days): The handling time is the number of business days you'll take to ship the item after receiving your cleared payment.

SKU Prefix: Apply a preferred prefix in front of the auto-generated SKUs whenever you add a new item into your marketplace manifest.
[NOTE: This option will only work if you have the Auto-generate SKUs active.

Auto-generate SKUs?:

  • Yes: This option will automatically generate and assign a SKU to every item that is added to the manifest.

  • NO: with this option, you'll have to manually assign your SKUs to every item that has been added to the manifest

  • Custom SKU: Contact our support associate if you'd like to assign a custom sequence as SKUs to the items that are added to the manifest.

Maximum Quantity to List: Use this option to limit the quantity to be listed for an item to eBay.
New sellers on eBay can effectively use this option to avoid exceeding their selling limits.
If you're adding an item to a manifest which has a quantity greater than the value set here, only the quantity that is mentioned here will be submitted to eBay.
The access quantity will remain within your SellerChamp inventory and the quantity of these items will adjust automatically as an when a sale is made.

Listing Format: Choose whether to list items as Fixed Price or Auction-style.

Listing Duration: Depending on the listing format you choose, a Fixed Price listing format will, by default be "Good 'Til Cancelled" [eBay mandate]. An Auction-Style listing will allow you to choose the number of days you'd like the listing to remain Active.

Business Policies:
Choose whether to Use eBay business policies for your listings.

Choose to Configure in SellerChamp.
You can choose between anyone of the following:

  • Flat - Same cost to all buyers

  • Calculated - Cost varies by buyer location

  • Flat Domestic Calculated International

  • Calculated Domestic Flat International

  • Freight

  • Flat freight

You can enable or disable the options for

  • Free Shipping

  • Offer Global Shipping.

Choose to Use International Rate Table for your listings
[NOTE: This rate table has to be setup on eBay first].

Exclude 'Ship-to" locations: This will have to be setup on eBay directly. Please follow the below instructions in order to set it up:

  • Sign in to your eBay account and click on My eBay

  • Click the Account tab, and then click Site Preferences

  • In the Selling Preferences section, Postage and packaging preferences and then click the Show link

  • Click the Edit link next to Exclude shipping locations from your listings

Require immediate payment from buyers: You can require immediate payment in both fixed price listings, as well as auction-style listings with a Buy It Now option. When you select the Buy It Now option for Fixed Rate listings, the person who selects Buy It Now and completes the PayPal transaction gets the item. For Auction-style listings, the Buy It Now option will disappear if a bid is placed or when the reserve price is met (for items with reserved prices).

Send Product MSRP to eBay: We'll send the item MSRP to eBay, but this is only displayed on eBay if you are enrolled in eBay's Discount Program.

Best Offers: Set the percent limits to either automatically accept or decline offers for Buy It Now Items.

Default Templates: Select the default template for all eBay listings which are submitted through SellerChamp.

Default Store Category: Similar to a physical store, your eBay Store categories are the "aisles" or "shelves" that allow you to organise and display your listings to buyers.

If Title Exceeds 80 Characters: Choose whether to automatically shorten the title or show an error message.

Auto-list previously ended items: You can set your listing to automatically relist.

Require Item Locations: Choose whether you'd like to add the item location within your warehouse while adding the item to the manifest (while submitting the item to eBay) or not.

Link to eBay's Product Catalog when possible: You can speed up the listing process by using details and stock photos from the eBay catalog.

Show Item Condition Remarks when scanning items: Checking this box will allow you to choose the item remarks while adding items to the manifest.

Item Remarks - (Condition): Have custom remarks for your items based on their conditions. This is helpful to give buyers more information about the items you have for sale within your eBay store.

This is how the manifest screen will look while this option has been selected.

Edit your marketing messages or leave them default.
This will be applied to your eBay listings and templates accordingly
[NOTE: You can also modify these messages by editing the templates].

Once all the rules have been set within SellerChamp, you can click on the Save Changes.

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