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SellerChamp eBay Templates

Finding Your SellerChamp eBay Templates.

Nizar Noorani avatar
Written by Nizar Noorani
Updated over 4 years ago

You can create an eBay listings with their respective shipping rules and other settings using our custom eBay listing templates. By using our templates, you wont have to start from scratch, every time you're trying to list an item / a group of items, with their respective settings.

In addition to making it easier to list, SellerChamp eBay templates assist you with keeping your eBay store information and policies consistent among the listing / group of listings.

You can create as many templates as you want, rename them, update or delete them at any time.

Template(s) can be applied to:

  • To all eBay store listings

  • To a group of eBay store listings

  • To a selected few or one listing

How can I use SellerChamp eBay templates?

There are many ways in which you can use our templates.

  • If you simply want your items to have a different eBay listing layout

  • If you have a group of items that fall under the same item category

  • If you have a group of items that use a different set of shipping preferences or eBay business policies

  • If you have a group of items whose title, description, features and details need to be prepended, appended or replaced

  • If you have a group of items that will have the same set of refund and return policies

  • If you have a group of items that have the same store category

  • If you have a group of items with the same item condition to have the same item condition remarks

  • If you have a group of items that will have a different set of marketing messages compared to the default marketing messages

  • If you want your group of items to have all of the above different compared to your default / other eBay listings

In this article, we'll simply learn how to access SellerChamp eBay templates.
[We'll discuss more about the various custom template options in another article.]

Accessing your templates.

Step 1: Go into your SellerChamp account Settings

Step 2: From the options on the left hand side menu, select Templates

On your SellerChamp Settings > Templates page, you'll find:

  • A button to Add Template

  • SellerChamp Default template

  • Other templates that you've created

  • Any custom template

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