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Learn How To Connect Your Etsy Store With SellerChamp.

Nizar Noorani avatar
Written by Nizar Noorani
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Enter the name of your store within SellerChamp and continue to click on the Connect to Store button

You'll be redirected to

  • You will have to login and then Allow Access to SellerChamp for your Etsy account

  • If you have already been logged in, you will directly view a page to Allow Access for SellerChamp

Once after you Allow Access, you'll be re-directed to

You'll now have to complete the details, one time, in order to establish a connection between SellerChamp and Etsy

Store Name: Will be pre-filled from the previous step

Primary Ship-from Address: Add one or select one from existing addresses

Handling Time (in days): How long does it take for you to prepare the shipment once an order has been made

Auto-generate SKUs: For the newly scanned/ added items, you can choose whether you'd want

  • SellerChamp to auto-generate and assign SKUs

  • Manually add them

  • Assign custom SKUs: For custom SKUs, contact us at and we can set up a custom SKU generator for you

Max. Quantity to List: By default we will fill in a value of 999. You can decide to leave it as is or change it as per your need

Reserve Quantity: In order to avoid over selling or cancelling orders for items that sell rapidly, you can decide to keep a reserve quantity for your Etsy items

Default Cost Price: You can choose to use this option so that a cost price will be added to all your Etsy items, when listed through SellerChamp

Require Item Location: Assign an item a warehouse location when you decide to list it through SellerChamp.

If Title Exceeds 140 Characters:

  • Automatically shorten

  • Show error message

Item Category: Select a category if all items belong to the same category

Who makes your items?:

  • I did

  • A member of my shop

  • Another company of person

When were your items made?:

  • Not yet made

  • Recently

  • Vintage

Shipping Policy: Select a default shipping policy to your items listed through SellerChamp. Click here to learn more.

Item Remarks - *condition*: Remarks for items according to their condition.

Once all the details are correctly filled, click on the Save Changes button and you are all set!

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