Using SellerChamp, you can easily search and browse through listings for the same item sold across eBay, by other sellers.
Using the Import from eBay option, you can also easily import:
eBay Item Specifics
Price etc.
Follow the below steps in order to Import from eBay:
Step 1: Locate the item within the SellerChamp marketplace manifest
Step 2: Click on the listing Options button (button with the 3 horizontal lines) and from the drop down, select the Import from eBay option
Step 3: You'll now be presented with the Import Item Data pop-up window
Here you'll see all eBay listings from other sellers for the same item.
You can select an item from this list or using the Product Name search bar search for other listings on eBay
Step 4: Once you've chosen the eBay item from which you want SellerChamp to grab the item details, simply click on the Import button where now, you'll be able to check the box for the things you'd like to import
Step 5: After selecting the check box, click the Import Selected button
Step 6: Close the Import Item Data pop-up
Notice your eBay listing change and become much more richer in content!