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Refetch Product Data

Refetch Product Data For Items With ASIN Within The Manifest.

Nizar Noorani avatar
Written by Nizar Noorani
Updated over a week ago


  • SellerChamp feature to fetch product data from Amazon data providers should be activated. Please contact SellerChamp customer support for further assistance

  • Item needs to have an ASIN

  • Item needs to have a buy box for the same condition


Refetch product data will update the following:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Features

  • Details

  • Retail price

  • Sales Rank

  • Item condition current price (buy box / lowest / average)

  • Item images (Populate Stock Photos)


Refetch Product Data for single item

Step 1: Click on the options button directly across the item to the right (the button with the 3 horizontal lines)

Step 2: From the drop down select the Refetch Product Data option.

Bulk Refetch Product Data for items

Step 1: Select items

Step 1 - A: Select individually:

Step 1 - B: Select multiple items at the same time:

Step 1 - C: Confirm the total number of items selected

Step 2: Go into More Actions and from the drop down select the option to Refetch Product Data

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