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Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors

A List Of Common Errors While Dealing With Online Marketplaces.

Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
Common Listing Errors
What does this error message mean? ​Unable to list item. You must specify at least one domestic shipping service and cost.
What does this error message mean? Item is restricted. There is a restriction in effect at the item level (because of Item-Level gatings on an offer)or ITEM_BLOCKED_BY_GATING
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. This listing would cause you to exceed the amount you can list. You can list up to $XX more in total sales this month. Please consider reducing the Buy It Now price or request to list more
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.
What does this error message mean? Item is restricted. The merchant shipping group name field contains an invalid value.
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. The sales tax cannot be changed if an auction-style listing has a bid or ends within 12 hours, or a fixed price listing has a pending Best Offer.
​What does this error message mean? Listing titles are limited to "80" characters.
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. You will be unable to complete this request until payment is made or a credit card is put on file for automatic monthly billing
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. The provided condition id is invalid for the selected primary category id.
What does this error message mean? Unable to list item. Product details cannot be edited because this listing has pending offers. Only price and quantity were successfully submitted to eBay.